Plan: BP318VRI - Bachelor of Digital Marketing
Campus: RMIT Vietnam Saigon South

Program details
Award title: Bachelor of Digital Marketing
Award abbreviation: BDigMktg
Total credit points: 288
Career: UGRD
Duration: 3 years full-time or part-time equivalent
Location: RMIT University Vietnam
Owning school: School of Business and Management (830H)
Owning school URL: www.rmit.edu.vn/our-schools-centres/school-business-management
ASCED code: 080505
CRICOS code:

Purpose of the Program
Blending theory with current, industry-based learning, the Bachelor of Digital Marketing will prepare you for a career in Digital Marketing. You will first develop skills across a broad range of core business courses, including statistics, marketing and management and computing, which will provide a foundation for the understanding and application of general business management. You will then focus on specialist marketing courses such as market research, marketing communication, branding, digital business development, social media and mobile marketing and analytics.
This program will give you a strategic overview in digital planning and Marketing Communications. Over the duration of the program you will participate in a variety of learning experiences which are designed to assist you in developing skills as a digital marketer. These will be both face-to-face and online. Learning and teaching approaches for this program may include: lectures, tutorials and studios, workshops, problem-based learning, case studies, work-integrated learning, industry speakers and internships. The final year of the program includes the capstone course, MKTG1416 Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning. This capstone experience will give you the opportunity to critically reflect on and consolidate your theoretical and practical learning.
In the program you will have the opportunity to directly apply marketing theory and digital marketing tools to an industry context. Additionally, you will be encouraged to undertake RMIT University Vietnam’s Personal Edge Workshops which are focused on developing social skills required for the industry.
The range of careers for graduates of this program is varied and opportunities are available in not-for-profit, government and commercial industries. The program is global in outlook, application and content, and provides you with the scope to work in a variety of digital marketing areas such as search marketing strategists, marketing communications, brand management, e-commerce, digital analyst, social media manager and web analyst.

Articulation and pathways
Credit will be assessed consistent with the principles of the RMIT University's Credit Policy.
Applicants who have completed studies or have partially completed a similar program at another institution (with entry criteria similar to this program) may be accepted with some credits being granted towards the program.
Articulation arrangements between RMIT University Higher Education Diplomas & Associate Degrees in the same or related discipline enable students upon successful completion of a lower level qualification, at the required standard for admission, to apply for advanced standing in a higher-level qualification.
Articulation arrangements between RMIT University programs enable students upon graduating from the RMIT University qualification to apply for advanced standing in a higher-level qualification.

Entrance requirements
Minimum Academic Requirements:
- High school graduation diploma with a minimum GPA of 7.0/10.0 fir Grade 12;
- Completion of International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma with 25 points minimum;
- Completion of Cambridge GCE ‘A’ Levels minimum 7 points for 3 A level subjects;
- For other international qualifications please view: http://www.rmit.edu.vn/sites/default/files/document_file/entry_requirements_by_country.pdf
Minimum English Language Requirements:
In addition, you must satisfy one of the following English requirements:
- Successful completion of RMIT ‘English for University’ Advanced or RMIT Academic English Program Advanced Plus.
- An appropriate score on one of the following English proficiency tests: IELTS (Academic); Pearson Test of English (Academic); Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) or Proficiency (CPE).
Please view: http://www.rmit.edu.vn/english-language-requirements for more information.

External accreditation and industry links
Graduates of the Bachelor of Digital Marketing may be eligible to become an associate member of the Australian Marketing Institute and the Australian Market and Social Research Society. Membership provides benefits which are relevant to career development.

Student expenses and charges in addition to fees
Once you are enrolled as a student in this program you will need to allow for expenses other than university tuition fees. Additional expenses may relate to the purchase of lecture notes, textbooks, stationery, consumables such as printer paper, fees levied by commercial internet service providers for internet access outside of the university campus, and other relevant costs.

Library, IT and specialist resources
Resources available from the Library
As part of the program you will have access to specialist laboratories with relevant hardware and software.
As a student enrolled in a program at RMIT University Vietnam they may access the services, facilities and study space provided by the Library. Resources include collections of books, periodicals and other course related materials.
More information is on library resources and services at: http://www.rmit.edu.vn/library.
This program is administered by the Vietnam campus of RMIT and students may access online learning tools for their program and associated courses via the learning management system for the Vietnam campus.
New students learning laboratories have been built at RMIT University Vietnam and equipped with specialised equipment, to support the relevant teaching and learning activities. Students will have access to modern computers and equipment that you are likely to use in industry.
Learning services available to you as a student at RMIT
RMIT Vietnam provides a wide range of resources and opportunities to assist students’ learning and wellbeing so they can achieve their study and career goals. Services are available face to face and online to assist with:
- transition to tertiary study and learning
- study skills, academic skills including literacy, mathematics and basic sciences if relevant
- enabling support if you have a disability, long term medical condition or other form of disadvantage which may impact on your learning
- career development and employment
- living and wellbeing (including advice on health, housing and financial matters)
- opportunities for scholarships, leadership and study abroad
- opportunities for participating in arts, sport, recreation, fitness activities as well as student activism and University governance

[Next: Learning outcomes]