Plan: BP032P24 - Bachelor of Nursing
Campus: Bundoora Campus

Program details
Award title: Bachelor of Nursing
Award abbreviation: BNurs
Total credit points: 288
Career: UGRD
Duration: 3 years full time
Location: Bundoora Campus
Owning school: Health and Biomedical Sciences (173H)
Owning school URL: www.rmit.edu.au/about/schools-colleges/health-and-biomedical-sciences
ASCED code: 060301
CRICOS code: 114027H

Purpose of the Program
The overarching aim of the BP032P24 Bachelor of Nursing Program is to prepare you for entry to professional practice as safe and competent clinicians within the framework of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2016). The Bachelor of Nursing Program offers a comprehensive curriculum inclusive of, but not limited by, the provision of education in relation to care provided in a range of contexts, including acute, chronic, mental health and primary health care across the lifespan The program includes core first year courses undertaken by all students in the School of Health and Biomedical Sciences at RMIT. This interdisciplinary block of foundation core courses will build foundational knowledge in anatomy and physiology, evidence-based communication skills, and an understanding of the social, cultural and environmental determinants of health with an emphasis on the experience and perspective of health care for first nations people.
BP032P24 Bachelor of Nursing requires on campus attendance. Some courses may include hybrid or online learning and teaching components. Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is a feature of the program in five courses:
- NURS2207 Professional Practice 1,
- NURS2211 Professional Practice 2,
- NURS2213 Professional Practice 3,
- NURS2216 Professional Practice 4, and
- NURS2220 Professional Practice 5
You will undertake supervised professional placements in prearranged clinical settings across Victoria for a prescribed period of time. Specific learning outcomes will be achieved over the period of your WIL experience. At all times you will undertake nursing care under the supervision of a Registered Nurse and function within your scope of practice as an undergraduate nursing student.
NURS2219 Transition to Nursing Practice is a Capstone course in which you will integrate knowledge, skills and their application from your previous nursing studies and prepare your transition from undergraduate student to practicing Registered Nurse.
Within the framework of a rich and diverse learning and teaching environment the Bachelor of Nursing Program graduates will achieve the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2016) as reflected in the Program Learning Outcome statements.

Articulation and pathways
Pathways refer to related programs for which you may be eligible once you have graduated from your current program. As a successful graduate of this program, you may (upon application) be eligible to proceed to one of the following programs
- BH058 - Bachelor of Health and Biomedical Sciences (Honours)
- GD158 - Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing
- MC268 - Master of Mental Health Nursing.
Acceptance into these programs would be subject to each programs' entry requirements.

Entrance requirements
Successful completion of an Australian Year 12 senior secondary certificate of education or equivalent. For information on international qualifications and corresponding entry requirements that are equivalent to
Australian academic entry requirements, go to https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/international-students/apply-to-rmit-international-students/entry-requirements/country-equivalency
Units 3 and 4 - a study score of at least 25 in English other than EAL; or a study score of at least 27 in English as an Additional Language (EAL).
English language requirements
The English language requirements in the new Registered Nurse Accreditation Standards will require all students (Domestic and International) to meet the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) English skills registration standard prior to enrolling in the program. Applicants should refer to the NMBA website for further information https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/registration-standards/english-language-skills.aspx
To be eligible to register, all students from countries where English is not the first or only language will be required to provide evidence of English language competence, e.g. minimum IELTS score of 7.0 in each of the four bands or five (5) years (full-time equivalent) education as continuous education. Applicants should refer to the NMBA website for further information https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines-Statements/FAQ/fact-sheet-english-language-skills-registration-standard.aspx
Graduates seeking to practise in Australia must register with the Australia Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia as a Registered Nurse.
For further information on NMBA Registration Standard: English Language https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Registration-Standards/English-language-skills.aspx
Non year 12 applicants
Eligible non year 12 applicants who do not have an ATAR, or a grade point average (GPA) for tertiary results, may sit the STAT Multiple Choice and must achieve a percentile of at least 35 or greater (see VTAC Admissions Tests). Other eligible non-year 12 applicants who wish to supplement their academic record may choose to sit the STAT test.
The program entry requirements represent the minimum standard an applicant must satisfy to be eligible for selection. If an applicant satisfies the program entry requirements, however, this is not a guarantee that the applicant will be selected, it merely qualifies the applicant for selection. The minimum level of achievement in previous study which is required of successful applicants may be higher than the minimum as stated in the program entry requirements.
NOTE: Semester Two entry is only available to applicants who have advanced standing as follows: Successful completion of an AHPRA-accredited Diploma of Nursing program AND hold current AHPRA registration as an Enrolled Nurse'
You will be required to meet a number of Immunisation and Compliance requirements as listed in Work Integrated Learning section and in the program's Inherent Requirements

External accreditation and industry links
The Bachelor of Nursing Program is accredited by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) as an “entry to nursing practice” program. Successful completion of the requirements of this program will enable RMIT graduates to apply for registration with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) as a Registered Nurse in Australia. When applying for registration, in addition to completing the Bachelor of Nursing program, graduates will need to meet all registration standards set by the NMBA. Refer to the NMBA Registration Standards for further information.
The title "nurse” is protected under Commonwealth legislation and only those graduates of accredited programs have the right of registration and to subsequently use the title “nurse". Graduates may seek international registration providing they've successfully completed appropriate documentation to meet the specified requirements of the country concerned.
Industry Links
This program has an Industry Advisory Committee (IAC). Membership is diverse and drawn from external industry and professional institutions. This committee helps inform program development and ensure that program content and student learning outcomes remain closely aligned with the needs of future employers. In addition, academic staff maintain connections with industry to develop and deliver work integrated learning experiences as well as offer advice on professional careers.

Student expenses and charges in addition to fees
Once you are enrolled as a student in this program you will need to allow for expenses other than university tuition fees. Additional expenses may relate to the purchase of lecture notes, textbooks, stationery, consumables such as printer paper, fees levied by commercial internet service providers for internet access outside of the university campus, and other relevant costs.

Library, IT and specialist resources
Library resources and services
RMIT Library provides extensive resources, services and study space. All RMIT students have access to scholarly resources including course related material, books, e-books, journals and databases. Computers and group study rooms are available at each Library. One-on-one study support is available for assistance with assignment preparation, academic writing, referencing, maths and study skills. To contact Library staff for help, phone, email or chat via the Ask the Library service.
For recommended texts and databases relevant to your discipline, refer to https://rmit.libguides.com.
Find more information on Library resources and services at: http://www.rmit.edu.au/library.
IT and Wireless
If you have a laptop or other wireless-enabled device you can connect to RMIT’s fast Wi-Fi. While on campus, no matter how you work or where you work, you’re able to connect, collaborate and create using this secure network.
In addition, with myDesktop, you can access your RMIT desktop and applications from home or wherever you have an internet connection.
Online learning tools and content
As a student in this program you may access online learning tools and content for your program and associated courses from the student portal https://www.rmit.edu.au/students.
Learning services available to you as a student at RMIT
RMIT provides a wide range of resources and opportunities to assist your learning and wellbeing so you can achieve your study and career goals.
Services are available face-to-face and online assisting with:
transition to tertiary study and learning
study skills, academic skills including literacy, mathematics and basic sciences if relevant
enabling assistance if you have a disability, long term medical condition or other form of disadvantage which may impact on your learning
career development and employment
living and wellbeing (including advice on health, housing and financial matters)
opportunities for scholarships, leadership and study abroad
opportunities for participating in arts, sport, recreation, fitness activities as well as student activism and university governance
We also offer a friendly and supportive environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. You can find more information at: www.rmit.edu.au/students.

[Next: Learning outcomes]