BP255 - Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)

Plan: BP255VRI - Bachelor of Business (Logistics & Supply Chain Management)
Campus: RMIT University Vietnam

Program details
Award title: Bachelor of Business (Logistics & Supply Chain Management)
Award abbreviation: BBus(Log&SupChaMgt)
Total credit points: 288
Career: UGRD
Duration: 3 years full time; 6 years part time
Location: RMIT University Vietnam
Owning school: Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chain (665H)
Owning school URL: www.rmit.edu.au/about/schools-colleges/accounting-information-systems-and-supply-chain
ASCED code: 089901
CRICOS code:

Purpose of the Program
This program prepares you to solve business problems in the global marketplace and understand complexity in operations, logistics and supply chain industries. A broad-based curriculum in the program covers the design and management of supply chain practices such as inventory planning, procurement, production operations, transportation, distribution, warehousing, retail services, global logistics and supply chain technologies.
The types of learning experience in the program may include: lectures, tutorials, assignments, site-visits, industrial guest lectures, collaborative projects and activities. Assessment may include examinations, essays, reports, oral presentations, group projects, research projects, laboratory projects and practical assignments.
The program comprises of two capstone courses: OMGT2198 Strategic Supply Chain, and OMGT2199 Operations Management. This capstone experience will give you the opportunity to critically reflect on and consolidate your theoretical and practical learning in this program.
After successfully completing the program you will be eligible to work as a professional in a number of industrial sectors including: aviation, automobile, computing, manufacturing, mining, retailing, shipping, global, transport, distribution and warehousing. Job functions include procurement, inventory planning, operations management, operations research, and event organisations in both private and public sectors.
This program is available for on-campus study.

Articulation and pathways
Credit and exemptions will be assessed consistent with the principles of the RMIT University Credit Policy. Applicants who have completed studies or have partially completed a similar program at another institution (with entry criteria similar to this program) may be accepted with some credits or exemptions being granted towards this program.
Credit pathways between RMIT University programs enable you upon graduating from an RMIT University qualification to apply for advanced standing in a higher level qualification.

Entrance requirements
Trimester 1, 2023 is the final intake for BP255 Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management).
Academic requirements
- Successful completion of Year 12 (or equivalent) in Vietnam with an average grade of 7.00/10.00, or above;
- Completion of International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma with 25 points minimum;
- Completion of Cambridge GCE ‘A’ Levels minimum 7 points for 3 A level subjects;
English Language Requirements
Students are required to meet RMIT English language requirements. For more information on these requirements and acceptable English Language tests please see www.rmit.edu.au/international/english-equivalent

External accreditation and industry links
This program is accredited by the professional bodies listed in the table below. Specified credit/exemptions towards professional qualifications offered as part of the accreditation are subject to youmeeting the set criteria defined by each professional body, Any application for credit/exemption should be made directly to the professional body.
The professional body may offer membership for yous as a career enabler, which could include opportunities for networking and access to discipline specific resources. Application for membership is your responsibility.
Professional Body | Accreditation Description | Membership and Opportunities |
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Australia [CILTA] |
Program is CILT-Australia recognised. |
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport [CILT] [Singapore] |
Not Applicable |
Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply [CIPS] |
Not Applicable |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Society [LSCMS] [Singapore] |
Not Applicable |
The School of Business IT & Logistics has close links with industry, in particular companies that operate in transport and freight logistics and companies that specialise in purchasing, supply chain management, contract distribution, manufacturing and retailing. Many of these companies have supported research work of staff in the School and have been active sponsors of many of the School activities.
The School of Business IT & Logistics is a national partner of the Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Australia (SCLAA), the premium professional body that supply chain, logistics, operations and procurement executives in Australia subscribed to. SCLAA is a strong supporter of the Bachelor of Business (Logistics & Supply Chain Management) program.

Student expenses and charges in addition to fees
Once you are enrolled as a student in this program you will need to allow for expenses other than university tuition fees. Additional expenses may relate to the purchase of lecture notes, textbooks, stationery, consumables such as printer paper, fees levied by commercial internet service providers for internet access outside of the university campus, and other relevant costs.

Library, IT and specialist resources
As a student enrolled in a program at RMIT University Vietnam you may access the services, facilities and study space provided by the RMIT Vietnam Library. You can find more information on Library resources and services at: www.rmit.edu.vn/libraryvn.
You may also access many of the extensive collections of electronic resources and services provided by the RMIT University Library in Melbourne. Contact Ask the Library for assistance and further information at: www.rmit.edu.au/library.
Study Support is available for online assistance with assignment preparation, academic writing, information literacy, referencing, maths and study skills.
Online learning tools and content
Log in to myRMIT https://my.rmit.edu.au/portal and select the myStudies tab to access study resources for your program.
Services available to you as a student at RMIT University
RMIT University provides a wide range of resources and opportunities to assist your learning and wellbeing so you can achieve your study and career goals.
Services are available face to face and online assisting with:
- transition to tertiary study and learning
- study skills, academic skills including literacy, mathematics and basic sciences if relevant
- enabling assistance if you have a disability, long term medical condition or other form of disadvantage which may impact on your learning
- career development and employment
- living and wellbeing (including advice on health, housing and financial matters)
- opportunities for scholarships, leadership and study abroad.
We also offer a dedicated support service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. You can find more information at www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-and-facilities/student-support/aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-students.

[Next: Learning outcomes]