BP352 - Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws

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Plan: BP352BADD - Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws
Campus: City Campus


Program details
Purpose of the Program
Articulation and pathways
Entrance requirements
External accreditation and industry links
Student expenses and charges in addition to fees
Library, IT and specialist resources

Program details

Award title: Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws
Award abbreviation: BAcc/BLaws
Total credit points: 480
Career: UGRD
Duration: Domestic students: 5 years full time; 10 years part time; International students 5 years full time
Location: Melbourne, City Campus
Owning school: Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chain (665H)
Owning school URL: www.rmit.edu.au/about/schools-colleges/accounting-information-systems-and-supply-chain
ASCED code: 080101
CRICOS code: 111275E

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Purpose of the Program

This program is a double degree program that comprises the Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Laws.

As a graduate you will be prepared with the accounting and business knowledge to succeed in a rapidly changing world. You will develop foundational business knowledge and combine this with substantive areas of law to develop practitioners who have sound commercial understandings, ethics and skills. You will have access to traditional legal careers requiring admission to practice and will develop the skills that a law degree affords, such as critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills. Combined with accounting skills you will be prepared for a range of commercial law careers including legal firms, corporate counsel roles and government.

During the double degree, career development learning is scaffolded across early, mid and late stages of the program. The program provides courses that deal with law and accounting that provides skills for the future of work.

Bachelor of Accounting

The Bachelor of Accounting is a program that will give you broad and coherent theoretical and technical accounting and business knowledge to enter professional work and/or undertake further learning.

Designed to embed accounting discipline knowledge, the Bachelor of Accounting provides in-depth discipline knowledge through core accounting and law courses, designed to meet professional body accreditation requirements. In addition, you will be required to undertake business foundation courses and an embedded e-portfolio experience, as well as either a 4-course minor, or, 4 Accounting and Law option courses, to develop more generalist breadth business knowledge to enhance your careers. A University elective is also embedded into this program.

As a graduate of the Bachelor of Accounting, you will obtain many transferable skills. These skills will enable you to analyse and evaluate information to complete a range of activities relating to the accounting discipline. The learning of skills in the Bachelor of Accounting curriculum is achieved through both skills embedded in curriculum design, and through an integrated capabilities framework.

Skills extend beyond enterprise and human skills, to include:

  • Local, national and global mindsets (ways of knowing, indigenous, eastern and western approaches to knowledge, intercultural, working across borders, diversity and inclusion).
  • Digital World - business and future technologies, digital literacy, the role of humans as decision makers in a digitised future.
  • Social awareness and commitment - social impact, innovation, the role of business in society, economic futures, sustainability, human well-being.

The Bachelor of Accounting includes key curriculum features to support your learning and attainment of graduate attributes. This includes:

Introductory level business foundation courses to allow you to contextualise business education and learning. These courses are intended to be the foundation upon which you can make sense of business. They include four courses: Understanding the Business Environment; Business Decision Making; Business in Society; and Integrated Perspectives on Business Problems. The required study of business foundations also embeds a compulsory academic integrity module, belonging and first year experience elements, a whole-of-program integrated e-Portfolio and all graduate attributes and program learning outcomes. Integrated Perspectives on Business Problems will also introduce you to problem-based learning, applying business theory, decision making and foundational research skills.

An integrated capabilities framework throughout the entire curriculum - This framework gives you an opportunity to shape your professional and personal identity, in the context of the development of human, enterprise and technology skills.

Professional and experiential learning to assist you to learn the required skills, qualities and attributes as a Bachelor of Accounting student. A whole-of-program embedded e-portfolio assists you to capture artefacts and evidence of learning for the purpose of careers and employability, and for the next step after graduation. A required e-portfolio capstone consolidates your learning journey. This aspect of the curriculum also encompasses concepts such as authentic learning and assessment, industry engagement and opportunities for you to learn in the context of work.

Capstone – There are two capstone experiences in the Bachelor of Accounting Program. The first is the accounting core capstone ACCT1028 Strategic Accounting and Leadership. This WIL course offers the opportunity to synthesise and consolidate both management accounting and financial accounting knowledge in a simulated business context and is undertaken in the fourth year of the program. Second, and aligned with RMIT work-ready and life-long learner graduate attributes, the e-portfolio optional course BUSM2582 Business Graduate Folio synthesises the Bachelor of Accounting’s integrated skills framework which commences at first entry into the program, whether in first year first semester or at a later point for students receiving recognition of prior learning. In the final year, these two capstone courses conclude your learning experience in the Bachelor of Accounting as embedded capstone experiences. As practically based capstone courses, they integrate outcomes of your program journey for the purpose of accounting-related careers, employability, further study, research, professional learning and/or self-reflection and celebration

Bachelor of Laws

On the completion of the Bachelor of Laws program, you will possess a detailed and comprehensive knowledge of the Australian legal framework and fundamental legal principles, an understanding of comparative and international legal systems, an understanding of the ethical framework in which the Australian legal system operates, and a fundamental knowledge of the extra-legal factors impinging upon the substantive law.

Learning activities and experiences in this program include case-based learning and you will be encouraged to engage in critical discussion in seminars and online forums, supplemented by active, authentic experiential learning opportunities in various simulations that develop legal skills. These simulations include writing briefs and other legal documents, mooting, interviewing, negotiation and mediation skills. These are integrated into most substantive law courses to ensure that you develop the skills in close connection with the legal knowledge. Clinical legal education and industry placement opportunities are also provided.

A capstone experience will be provided in the course LAW2586 Enterprise Law: Designing Legal Solutions, which will give you the opportunity to critically reflect on the curriculum of this program. The course promotes the integration and synthesis of a range of knowledge and skills gained in the program and the application of these in discipline related real-world scenarios.

The delivery of this program is blended, comprising of face-to-face and online learning.

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Articulation and pathways

Applicants who do not meet the published program entry requirements may wish to consider a Pathway.


The below articulation and credit arrangements are only applicable to students who have met the published program entry requirements and are subject to change.

Credit and exemptions will be assessed consistent with the principles of the RMIT University Admission and Credit Policy and Victorian Legal Admissions Board (VLAB) requirements.

Applicants who have completed or partially completed a similar program at another institution (with entry criteria similar to this program) may be granted some credits or exemptions towards this program.

Bachelor of Accounting

Credit and exemptions will be assessed consistent with the principles of the RMIT University Credit Policy. Students enrolled in RMIT programs are required to complete a minimum amount of study in an RMIT program to be eligible for an award. The minimum amount of study in the Bachelor of Accounting is 96 credit points.

Applicants who have completed studies or have partially completed a similar program at another institution (with entry criteria similar to this program) may be accepted with some credits or exemptions being granted towards this program. Please refer to the RMIT website for more information on how to apply for credit.

Credit pathways between RMIT University VE programs, Higher Education Diplomas & Associate Degrees in the same or related discipline, may enable you upon successful completion of a lower-level qualification, at the required standard for admission, to apply for advanced standing in a higher-level qualification.

Credit pathways between RMIT University programs may enable you upon graduating from an RMIT University qualification to apply for advanced standing in a higher-level qualification. The Bachelor of Accounting provides specific options for research pathways. Students interested in a career in research have an option to pathway into the Bachelor of Business Professional Practice, Bachelor of Business (Honours) or Higher Degree by Research. For more information about admissions and credit please refer to the RMIT University Credit Policy.

If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program you can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for RPL. These arrangements may be subject to change.

Bachelor of Laws

Credits for Law Courses in this double degree will be assessed as set out here.

Australian law degrees are required to include 11 core areas of knowledge – the ‘Priestley 11’. These areas are: Criminal Law and Procedure, Tort, Contract, Property, Equity, Company Law, Administrative Law, Federal and State Constitutional Law, Civil Procedure, Evidence, Professional Conduct. Exemptions towards the Priestley 11 courses are not possible unless the equivalent Priestley 11 courses have been completed in an undergraduate law program from an accredited law school. Students are advised to seek clarification from the Victorian Legal Admissions Board (VLAB) to ensure the credit will not impact admission to legal practice.

Credit for all other law courses can only be granted if a course has been completed at an accredited law school. This means the course code must contain LAW, indicating a law discipline.

The only exception is if a student has been admitted via the RMIT BP204 Bachelor of Legal and Dispute Studies program. Students will be exempt from completing LAW2580 Becoming a Lawyer in a Globalised World, if they have successfully completed the following four courses:

  • HUSO2235 Introduction to Law
  • HWSS1144 Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • POLI1025 Power and Governance
  • SOCU2095 Sociology of Law
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Entrance requirements


Entry to this program is competitive. Applicants are ranked and selected in order of merit based on their academic achievement, e.g., GPA (including any adjustment factors).

We will consider your entire academic record to determine your eligibility for entry. Previous fail grades in similar courses may affect your eligibility. You will be assigned a selection rank (comparable to an ATAR) based on your GPA.

English language requirements:
For local applicants: https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/applying-to-rmit/local-student-applications/entry-requirements/minimum-english-language-requirement
For international applicants: https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/international-students/apply-to-rmit-international-students/entry-requirements/english-requirements

Other prerequisites: None

Applicants with recent secondary education (current and within the past two years):

Successful completion of an Australian Year 12 senior secondary certificate of education or equivalent.

If applicable, this includes equity access schemes and any other adjustment factors.

Associate Degree applicants:

Applicants who have successfully completed the equivalent of an Associate Degree with GPA converted to ATAR.

All Bachelor of Business Degree applicants:

Applicants who have successfully completed the equivalent of a minimum of four courses in an Australian Bachelor Degree with GPA converted to ATAR and no double-fail in any required course of the receiving degree.

Open Universities Australia (OUA) applicants:

Successful completion of a minimum of four Open Universities Australia higher education units with a with GPA converted to ATAR.

Work and Life Experience:

You may satisfy the academic requirements by completing the STAT multiple choice. If you are applying to RMIT as an applicant with work or life experience, you may sit the STAT multiple choice if you:

  • are 19 years of age or over as of 1 January in the year in which you will start your studies and
  • have not been enrolled in secondary studies for at least two years and
  • have no prior secondary school (Year 12), VET studies, HE studies or relevant work experience that can be considered for entry, or these do not meet the minimum academic requirements for the program

STAT results are valid for two years prior to the commencement of study and can be used to meet Year 12 English prerequisites. You are still required to meet all other program prerequisites or equivalents.
Learn more about RMIT STAT results including minimum STAT scores required to meet prerequisites.

Adjustment Factors:

You may be eligible for adjustment factors which will be applied to your selection rank.

Available ONLY to applicants currently study Year 12 at a SNAP partner school:

RMIT’s School Network Access Program (SNAP) https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/applying-to-rmit/local- student-applications/equity-access-schemes/types-of-equity-access/schools-network-access-program-snap- applicantsis designed to increase tertiary participation by giving priority access to RMIT diploma and degree programs to eligible applicants currently studying Year 12 at a SNAP partner school.

Available only to applicants currently studying Year 12 or whose highest qualification is a completed Year 12:

Subject Adjustments: study score of 25 in Legal Studies equals 1 aggregate point per study; A study score of 35 in any English equals 2 aggregate points per study; up to a maximum of 3 points.

Regional Adjustments: RMIT automatically allocates adjustment factors to Year 12 applicants from a low socio-economic status area for all certificate IV, diploma, advanced diploma, associate degree and degree level programs that select primarily on ATAR. Low socio-economic status areas area determined by applying the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Education and Occupation.

Available to ALL applicants:

Equity Access Schemes: Equity access schemes https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/applying-to- rmit/local-student-applications/equity-access-schemes/types-of-equity-access take into account personal information and location, difficult circumstances, disadvantaged financial background and disability or medical condition that may have impacted on your most recent academic performance.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People:

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander access program is an early offer model that allows applicants to be selected for programs independent of their final results. Capacity and capability for success are determined by selection staff through an interview process managed by the Ngarara Willim Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Adjustments received for eligible applicants will not contribute to the overall maximum adjustments factors an applicant may receive.

Elite Athlete Adjustment:

The RMIT Elite Athlete Program (REAP) supports eligible elite and emerging athletes to achieve sporting and academic excellence, allowing students to balance the demands of both their studies and their athletic responsibilities.

Eligible elite or emerging athletes who are seeking admission into a vocational education or degree course will receive adjustment factors applied to their ATAR.

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External accreditation and industry links

The Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws is closely linked to industry and this takes place in various forms.

In the curriculum, some courses are designed as work integrated learning (WIL) courses involving discipline related industry projects as part of learning. The College of Business and Law has established Industry Advisory Committees comprising of high-profile industry representatives. The role of the committees ensures the College of Business and Law's links with industry standards and practices remain current.

This program is accredited by the statutory and professional bodies listed in the table below. Specified credit/exemptions towards professional qualifications offered as part of the accreditation is subject to the applicant meeting set criteria defined by each professional body. Any application for credit/exemption should be made directly to the professional body and is your responsibility.

The professional bodies may offer membership for you as a career enabler which could include opportunities for networking and access to discipline specific resources. Application for membership is your responsibility.

Professional Body Accreditation Description Membership and Opportunities

Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) Australia


Program satisfies the academic requirements for direct entry into the CPA Australia program.
  • Students and graduate eligible to enrol in the CPA Australia Network
  • Graduates eligible to enrol in CPA Australia program
  • Graduates eligible for membership category: Associate

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand [CAANZ]


Program satisfies the academic requirements for entry into the CA program.
  • Students eligible for membership category: Student Affiliate
  • Graduates eligible for membership category: Student Affiliate
  • Graduates eligible to enrol in CA program

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants [ACCA]


Program satisfies the academic requirements for entry into the ACCA Qualification program.
  • Graduates eligible for specified credit in the ACCA Qualification program of up to 9 fundamental level papers

  • Students eligible for accelerate program can register and prepare for ACCA professional level exams from Year 2 of program and prior to graduation

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants [CIMA]


Program satisfies the academic requirements to be streamed into the Advance Route 2 pathway for the CIMA program.
  • Students and graduates eligible for specified credit in the CIMA program of up to 7 papers.

Victorian Legal Admissions Board [VLAB] 


Program satisfies the academic requirements for graduate admission to the Australian Legal Profession.
  • Not applicable

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales [ICAEW]

Program satisfies the academic requirements for entry into the Associate Chartered Accountant program
  • ICAEW has a long standing Reciprocal Membership Agreement (RMA) with Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ).
  • If your degree is listed on CA ANZ list of ‘Accredited Tertiary Courses’ for the relevant year you may apply for the 8 CPL credits to those with relevant academic qualifications.
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Student expenses and charges in addition to fees

Once you are enrolled as a student in this program you will need to allow for expenses other than university tuition fees.  Additional expenses may relate to the purchase of lecture notes, textbooks, stationery, consumables such as printer paper, fees levied by commercial internet service providers for internet access outside of the university campus, and other relevant costs.

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Library, IT and specialist resources

RMIT Library provides extensive resources, services and study space. All RMIT students have access to scholarly resources including course related material, books, e-books, journals and databases. Computers, printers and group study rooms are available at each Melbourne Library location. You can access the Internet and Library e-resources. You can also access the RMIT University wireless network in the Library.

Contact Ask the Library for assistance and further information. http://www.rmit.edu.au/library. 

Study Support is available for assistance with assignment preparation, academic writing, information literacy, referencing, maths and study skills.

Online learning tools and content 
Log into the RMIT Student Website and select study support to access study resources for your program.

Services available to you as a student at RMIT University 
RMIT University provides a wide range of resources and opportunities to assist your learning and wellbeing so you can achieve your study and career goals. 

Services are available face to face and online assisting with: 

  • transition to tertiary study and learning 
  • study skills, academic skills including literacy, mathematics and basic sciences if relevant 
  • enabling assistance if you have a disability, long term medical condition or other form of disadvantage which may impact on your learning 
  • career development and employment 
  • living and wellbeing (including advice on health, housing and financial matters) 
  • opportunities for scholarships, leadership and study abroad 
  • opportunities for participating in arts, sport, recreation, fitness activities as well as student activism and university governance. 

We also offer a friendly and supportive environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. You can find more information at www.rmit.edu.au/students.

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