GC053 - Graduate Certificate in Marketing

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Plan: GC053 - Graduate Certificate in Marketing
Campus: City Campus


Program details
Purpose of the Program
Articulation and pathways
Entrance requirements
External accreditation and industry links
Student expenses and charges in addition to fees
Library, IT and specialist resources

Program details

Award title: Graduate Certificate in Marketing
Award abbreviation: GradCertMktg
Total credit points: 48
Career: PGRD
Duration: 0.5 years full-time or part-time equivalent
Location: Melbourne City campus
Owning school: Economics, Finance and Marketing (625H)
Owning school URL: www.rmit.edu.au/about/schools-colleges/economics-finance-and-marketing
ASCED code: 080505
CRICOS code: 085022B

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Purpose of the Program

The Graduate Certificate in Marketing is an early exit point for those enrolled in the Master of Marketing. The program aims to broaden knowledge and skills for students entering with a qualification in an unrelated discipline, while students from a related discipline will deepen their existing knowledge and skills.

Marketing is critical for success in competitive, dynamic and increasingly complex business environments. People with marketing skills and knowledge are important to businesses, helping them work out how to create, capture, communicate, and sustain customer value, and promote continued growth and competitiveness. This program addresses the need for specialised marketing expertise particularly for those whose career development and interests are leading into marketing, product and brand management.

The Graduate Certificate in Marketing draws on contemporary practices, strategic thinking, branding, design, creativity and innovation to build your marketing knowledge and skills.  As a graduate, you will not only develop discipline specific knowledge and skills, but also learn to draw connections across different fields of knowledge and relate this knowledge to complex real world situations. Using integrated theory and real world application, this degree will expose you to a range of interactive learning experiences such as seminars, guest presentations, strategic cases, social media technologies and e-learning, and applied industry projects.

This program is delivered on-campus.

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Articulation and pathways

1. Students who successfully complete the RMIT Graduate Certificate in Marketing will articulate into the Master of Marketing and will be exempted from completing the four (4) discipline courses completed in the Graduate Certificate in Marketing and will be required to complete an additional twelve (12) courses (144 credit points) in order to qualify for the degree.

2. GC053 Graduate Certificate in Marketing  is also an exit award for the Master of  Marketing. It is available to students upon successful completion of the four (4) courses (48 credit points) specified in the program structure.

Credit outside of the above arrangements will be assessed consistently with the RMIT University credit policy and procedures. If you wish to apply for a credit transfer/RPL, please refer to Apply for credit.

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Entrance requirements

Academic Entrance requirements

Australian Bachelor degree or equivalent or higher-level qualification in any discipline.

Alternate Entry

No prior academic qualifications but a minimum of 5 years full-time Equivalent (FTE) work experience is required.

Applicants will be required to submit a CV.

Entrance requirements for international onshore applicants
All non-Australian residents and overseas full-fee paying students are required to meet RMIT English language requirements. For more information on these requirements and acceptable English Language tests please see www.rmit.edu.au/international/english-equivalent.


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External accreditation and industry links

This program is accredited by the professional bodies listed in the table below. Specified credit/exemptions towards professional qualifications offered as a part of the accreditation are subject to the applicant meeting the set criteria defined by each professional body. Any application for credit/exemption should be made directly to the professional body and is the graduate's responsibility.

The professional bodies may offer membership for students and/or graduates as a career enabler which could include opportunities for networking and access to discipline specific resources. Application for membership is the student's/graduate's responsibility.

Professional Body Accreditation Description Membership and Opportunities

Australian Marketing Institute [AMI]


Program satisfies the AMI standards that ensures continued professional relevance for marketing graduates.
  • Students eligible for membership category: Student
  • Graduates eligible for membership category: Graduate
  • Graduates eligible for 6 months credit towards the 5 years Certified Practising Marketer [SPM] qualification
  • Graduates eligible for a letter of reference from AMI for prospective employers

Australian Market and Social Research Association [AMSRS]


Not Applicable
  • Students eligible for membership category: Student 
  • Graduates eligible for membership category: Associate

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice.

Guiding the development of the College of Business and Law, both nationally and internationally, is an Industry Advisory Board of high-profile executives. The Industry Advisory Committee also provides feedback on the currency of our programs, the changing needs of Industry and has input into the design of new programs.

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Student expenses and charges in addition to fees

Once you are enrolled as a student in this program you will need to allow for expenses other than university tuition fees. Additional expenses may relate to the purchase of lecture notes, textbooks, stationery, consumables such as printer paper, fees levied by commercial internet service providers for internet access outside of the university campus, and other relevant costs.

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Library, IT and specialist resources

RMIT Library provides extensive resources, services and study space. All RMIT students have access to scholarly resources including course related material, books, e-books, journals and databases. Computers, printers and group study rooms are available at each Melbourne Library location. You can access the Internet and Library e-resources. You can also access the RMIT University wireless network in the Library. Contact Ask the Library for assistance and further information www.rmit.edu.au/library.

Study Support is available for assistance with assignment preparation, academic writing, information literacy, referencing, maths and study skills.

Online learning tools and content

As a student in this program, you may access online learning tools and content for your program and associated courses from the student portal www.rmit.edu.au/students.

Services available to you as a student at RMIT University

RMIT University provides a wide range of resources and opportunities to assist your learning and wellbeing so you can achieve your study and career goals. Services are available face to face and online assisting with: 

  • transition to tertiary study and learning 
  • study skills, academic skills including literacy, mathematics and basic sciences if relevant 
  • enabling assistance if you have a disability, long term medical condition or other form of disadvantage which may impact on your learning 
  • career development and employment 
  • living and wellbeing (including advice on health, housing and financial matters) 
  • opportunities for scholarships, leadership and study abroad. 

We also offer a dedicated support service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. You can find more information at www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-services/indigenous.


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