AD023 - Associate Degree in Aviation (Professional Pilots)

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Plan: AD023BN - Associate Degree in Aviation (Professional Pilots)
Campus: RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

Your learning experiences in this program will include a broad mix of study modes, including lectures, tutorials, practical exercises, weekly classes, online learning and hands-on practice in relevant aircraft.

The program is conducted on both the City Campus and at the RMIT Flight Training School located at Bendigo Airport, 4 Victa Road, Bendigo. The Bendigo training environment is ideally located close to various types of airspace, terrain and urban development that will maximise variety in navigational experience.Bendigo is strategically located with respect to our Point Cook site, with only 30 minutes flight time between sites.

Assessment in this program is designed to give you opportunities to demonstrate your capabilities and you will find that the forms of assessment used may be different for each course, depending on the course objectives and learning outcomes.

Your assessment in the program may include all or some of the following:

  • examinations: an individual form of assessment where you are asked to demonstrate problem solving and your ability to explain underpinning theories required of flying and the aviation industry;
  • assignments and projects: some will require you to demonstrate an ability to work alone, while some will involve group work requiring you to be part of a team with other students;
  • practical flying: where your practical skills will be assessed against specific criteria based on CASA recommended standards
  • assessed tutorials or presentations: a form of in-class test, which you will be required to complete either individually or as a member of a team;
  • self-assessment and peer assessment: for assessment activities such as seminars you may be asked to assess your own work, the work of your group, or the work of other groups. This is part of equipping you to become more independent in your own learning and to develop your assessment skills.

The assessment you receive, with the exception of exams, will enable the teaching staff to provide you with feedback on your strong and weak points. This will enable you to improve performance in the future.

If you have a long term medical condition, disability and/or other form of disadvantage it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning  or assessment methods. You may contact the program manager or the Equitable Learning Services  unit if you would like to find out more.

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities;
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations; and in addition
  • these interactions and the work context provide a distinctive source of feedback to you to assist your learning.

Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be in a simulated workplace environment.

Specifically in this program, you will undertake courses that focus on work integrated learning (WIL), these are your individual AERO flying courses such as:

  • AERO2619- Flying to Private Pilot Licence
  • AERO2616 Commercial Pilot Licence Flying, 
  • AERO2622 - Flying to Instrument Rating, 
  • AERO2479 - Flying to Instructor Rating. 

You will be assessed on professional and vocational work in the flying training environment, including in the actual aircraft (during flight and on the ground) and in flight simulators, during which you will receive feedback from those involved in your industry.

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following. All courses may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Eight (8) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Aircraft 12 AERO2465 City Campus
AERO2602 Hartwig Air
Theory to Recreational Pilot Licence 12 AERO2466 Point Cook Campus
AERO2589 Hartwig Air
AERO2625 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
Flying to Recreational Pilot Licence 12 AERO2467 Point Cook Campus
AERO2590 Hartwig Air
AERO2619 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
Theory to Private Pilot Licence 12 AERO2469 Point Cook Campus
AERO2591 Hartwig Air
AERO2624 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
Flying to Private Pilot Licence 12 AERO2470 Point Cook Campus
AERO2592 Hartwig Air
AERO2618 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
Human Factors in Aviation 12 AERO2468 City Campus
AERO2601 Hartwig Air
Introduction to Commercial Pilot Licence 12 AERO2576 Point Cook Campus
AERO2595 Hartwig Air
AERO2627 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence for STEM 12 COSC2960 City Campus
COSC3094 Bundoora Campus

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Four (4) Courses and one option group (Total 96 credit points):

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Commercial Pilot Licence Theory 12 AERO2587 Point Cook Campus
AERO2597 Hartwig Air
AERO2617 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
Commercial Pilot Licence Flying 12 AERO2586 Point Cook Campus
AERO2596 Hartwig Air
AERO2616 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
Aviation Industry Environment 12 AERO2471 City Campus
STEM for Sustainable Development 12 ONPS2702 City Campus
ONPS2749 Bundoora Campus

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Year Two Option Courses: Select and Complete One (1) of the following option groups below (48 Credit Points):

Option Group A: Complete the following Three (3) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Air Transport Pilot Licence 1 & 2 24 AERO2577 Point Cook Campus
Theory to Instrument rating 12 AERO2477 Point Cook Campus
AERO2593 Hartwig Air
AERO2623 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
Flying to Instrument rating 12 AERO2478 Point Cook Campus
AERO2594 Hartwig Air
AERO2622 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
Option Group B: Complete the following Two (2) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Instructor Theory 24 AERO2578 Point Cook Campus
AERO2621 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
AERO2637 Hartwig Air
Flying to Instructor rating 12 AERO2479 Point Cook Campus
AERO2620 RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo
AERO2638 Hartwig Air
Select and Complete One (1) Course from any:
University Elective

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Program transition plan

Transition Plan for 2023

Minor amendments have been made to Year One and Year Two of the program as listed below. If you have already completed courses from the list of removed courses below, your credit from these courses will be counted towards your completion.

If you have commenced Year One and have not yet completed one or more of the removed courses in the list below, please contact your Program Manager, Varinda Sohi, for enrolment advice.

  1. The following core courses have been removed
    • MATH2222 Mathematics (Year 1)
    • AERO2472 Aviation Quality Systems Year 2)
  2. The following core courses have been added
    • COSC2960 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence for STEM (Year 1)
    • ONPS2702 STEM for Sustainable Development (Year 2)
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