BP117 - Bachelor of Arts (Photography)

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Plan: BP117 - Bachelor of Arts (Photography)
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

This program incorporates a variety of face to face and online learning and teaching approaches which include lectures, tutorials, workshops, studio practice, field practice, lab classes, seminars, presentations, and negotiated learning for major projects. Progression through the program is based upon a developmental structure of theoretical and practice-based knowledge and skills. Individual research and practice activity form a strong aspect of learning at all year levels.

Assessment will include a range of activities such as industry briefs, reports, research projects, assignments, portfolio production, essays, presentations, industry briefs, reports, research projects and reflective papers.

You will receive ongoing feedback from your lecturers to help you track the progress of your learning against the specified learning outcomes and program learning outcomes for each course. The feedback will highlight strengths and give recommendations for areas for improvement. This approach will enable you to improve on your performance during the course and in subsequent courses, as well as continue to refine capabilities for your future professional practice and learning after graduation. Peer feedback on your work is also a key learning activity in this program. You are responsible for continued contribution to feedback on your own work and that of others. Peer and lecturer feedback are integral and act as preparation for your professional practice in industry.

If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the Program Director or the Disability Liaison Unit if you would like to find out more.

If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) http://www.rmit.edu.au/students/enrolments/credit/he

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice.

As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities;
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations; and
  • these interactions and the work context provide a distinctive source of feedbackto you to assist your learning.

Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be simulated.

The nominated WIL course in this program is: VART3599 Photography Major Project (24 cp)

In VART3599 Photography Major Project you will professionally manage and produce photographic outcomes. You will receive industry feedback as part of your learning experience.

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following. Please note, all courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Six (6) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Photography Foundation Studio 24 VART3591 City Campus
Photography Professional Studio 1 24 VART3593 City Campus
Contemporary Materials & Processes 12 VART3592 City Campus
Photographic Lighting 12 VART3596 City Campus
Imaging Technologies 1 12 COSC2372 City Campus
Imaging Technologies 2 12 COSC2373 City Campus

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Four (4) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Photography Professional Studio 2 24 VART3595 City Campus
Photography Professional Studio 3 24 VART3597 City Campus
Photography - Illusion & Reality 12 VART3594 City Campus
Photographic Lighting 2 12 VART1706 City Campus
Complete One (1) Course from the School Options list that you have not taken or passed already. Please refer to the School Options List at the end of this program structure.
Select and Complete One (1) Course from:
University Elective

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Year Three of Program

Complete the following Three (3) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Photography Professional Studio 4 24 VART3598 City Campus
Photography Major Project 24 VART3599 City Campus
Cultures of Photography 12 VART3039 City Campus
Complete Two (2) Courses from the School Options list that you have not taken or passed already. Please refer to the School Options List at the end of this program structure.
Select and Complete One (1) Course from:
University Elective

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School Options

School Options:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Imaging Technologies 3 12 COSC2374 City Campus
Location Imaging 12 VART1710 City Campus
Alternative Photographic Processes 12 VART1704 City Campus
The Photographic Fine Print 12 VART3481 City Campus
Internship 12 VART3510 City Campus
Art Global Intensive 1 12 HUSO1072 City Campus
Art Global Intensive 2 12 VART3668 City Campus
Art Studio Intensive 24 VART3669 City Campus
Workshop 2 12 VART3650 City Campus
Workshop 3 12 VART3651 City Campus
Workshop 4 12 VART3652 City Campus
Workshop 5 12 VART3653 City Campus
Art 2: History+Theory+Cultures 12 HUSO2401 City Campus
Art 3: History+Theory+Cultures 12 HUSO2403 City Campus
Art 4: History+Theory+Cultures 12 HUSO2405 City Campus

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Program transition plan

Transition advice to students:

In 2015, the program BP117 Bachelor of Arts (Photography) updated its program structure. Students who have failed two 12cp courses that have been mapped into a new 24cp course will be required to enrol into the new 24cp offering from Semester 1 2015. The table below shows the current 12 credit point courses and the courses that replaced them in 2015. If you are an existing student in BP117 Bachelor of Arts (Photography) you will be provided with a study plan and a transition map of same or equivalent courses based on the tables below. Your academic progress will be considered and reviewed with an academic advisor.

Your study plan will outline: 

  • Courses you have already completed in BP117 Bachelor of Arts (Photography)
  • Courses you are currently enrolled in (results pending) in BP117 Bachelor of Arts (Photography)
  • Courses, if any, that you will need to complete in the amended program structure in order to graduate with the award of BP117 Bachelor of Arts (Photography).

If you are undertaking a reduced load, are on Leave of Absence (LOA), or have deferred studies you will not be disadvantaged by the change of program structure.  You will not incur any extra costs or be required to complete extra credit points as a result of this change in program structure.

BP117 Transition Map - Same or equivalent courses

Year Old course/s no longer offered Credit points New or amended course/s offered Credit points
1 COSC2371 Processes & Cultures of Photography 101 12 VART3592 Contemporary Materials & Processes 12

VART2977 Studio Imaging Practice 101


VART2979 Location Imaging Practice 101

24 in total VART3591 Photography Foundation Studio 24
1 COSC2372 Digitial Imaging for Commercial Practice 101 12 COSC2372 Imaging Technologies 1 12
1 COSC2463 Processes & Cultures of Photography 102 12 VART3594 Photography - Illusion & Reality 12
1 Digital Imaging for Commercial Practice 102 12 COSC2373 Imaging Technologies 2 12

VART2978 Studio Imaging Practice 102


VART2980 Location Imaging Practice 102

24 in total VART3593 Photography Professional Studio 1 24

Digital Imaging for Commercial Practice 203


VART1868 Popular Culture & the Moving Image

24 in total  VART3595 Photography Professional Studio 2 24 
2 VART1708 Portraiture 201 12  VART3596 Photographic Lighting 12 
VART2982 Documentary Editorial Practice 201  12  School Elective 1 12 
VART3436 Principles of Applied Imaging 12  School Elective 2  12 

VART1710 Location Imaging Practice 203


VART1706 Studio Imaging Practice 203 

24 in total  VART3597 Photography Professional Studio 3 24 
VART1704 Alternative Photographic Processes  12 

University Student Elective 1

VART3039 Cultures of Photography 303  12  VART3039 Cultures of Photography  12 

VART2984 Professional Folio Concept Development 


VART3040 Photographic Business Management

24 in total  VART3598 Photography Professional Studio 4 24 
University Student Elective 1  12  School Elective 3  12 
VART2985 Professional Imaging Folio  24  VART3599 Photography Major Project  24 
PHYS2104 Photography for Motion Analysis  12  School Elective 4  12 
University Student Elective 2 12  University Student Elective 2 12 

Students who have failed two 12cp courses that have been mapped into a new 24cp course will be required to enrol into the new 24cp offering from Semester 1 2015. Students who have failed one of the 12cp courses that has been mapped into a 24cp point course will be given advice on which replacement course they need to complete in order to make up a further 12 credit points.

The table below shows the current 12 credit point courses and the equivalent courses that are replacing them in the amended structure of the program. Any one of the new courses can be taken in place of any one of the old courses.

BP117 Transition Map - Replacement for failed courses

Year Old course/s no longer offered Credit points Replacement course Credit points
1,2 or 3

VART2977 Studio Imaging Practice 101
VART2979 Location Imaging Practice 101
VART1978 Studio Imaging Practice 102
VART2980 Lcoation Imaging Practice 102
VART1710 Locating Imaging Practice 203
VART1868 Popular Culture & the Moving Image
COSC1426 Digital Capture 201
COSC2379 Web Imaging and Design
PHYS2104 Photography for Motion Analysis
COSC2388 Digital Video Projects 302
VART3040 Photographic Business Management
VART2984 Professional Folio Concept Development

12 COSC 2374 Imaging Technologies 3 
VART1706 Photographic Lighting 2
VART 1710 Location Imaging
VART 1704 Alternative Photographic Processes
PHYS2104 Photography for Motion Analysis



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