Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2017
Course Code: MANU7385C
Course Title: Hand last shoe
School: 350T Fashion & Textiles
Campus: Brunswick Campus
Program: C4389 - Certificate IV in Custom-Made Footwear
Course Contact: Tallal Khan
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 99259118
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Andrew Robinson
+61 3 99259252
Nominal Hours: 60
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit covers skills and knowledge to last shoes using hand processes. It addresses the following units and all these units are clustered for delivery but may assessed separately.
MSTFP3003 - Assemble shoe by hand
MSTFP2009 - Perform footwear finishing operations
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
MSTFP3002 Hand last shoe |
Element: |
1 Determine job requirements |
Performance Criteria: |
Element: |
2 Prepare to hand last shoe |
Performance Criteria: |
Element: |
3 Hand last shoe |
Performance Criteria: |
Element: |
4 String last, as required |
Performance Criteria: |
Element: |
5 Check and despatch completed work |
Performance Criteria: |
Learning Outcomes
In this unit you will develop the required knowledge and skills associated with planning and organising to prepare the hand last shoes. Problem solving skills are required to ensure materials and completed work conform to requirements and identify and address any production problems. Communication skills are used to refer to and complete required documentation. Self management skills are used to ensure safe use of technology and conformance of own work to quality standards.
Details of Learning Activities
Integrated learning consisting of theory and practical components will be carried out in practical workshops for the skills and knowledge required when assembling shoes by hand.
Teaching Schedule
Practical workshops for Hand last shoe by hand will be conducted in conjunction with other practical based learning. Workshops will include demonstration of techniques and students will be required to demonstrate their practical hand lasting shoe by activities for each pair of shoes produced for assessment.
Week 1-4 Development of Court Shoe - 1Pair
Week 5-11 Development of Derby and Sandal Shoe - 2Pair
Week 12-16 Development of Oxford and Sandal Shoe - 2Pair
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
Assorted Hand Tools
Footwear components
Overview of Assessment
Tasks that have not be authenticated in class as the student’s own work will not be considered for assessment. Regular attendance is necessary. Assessment will consist of both theory and practical based exercises, predominantly in class but some out of class research and information formatting is required as well.
Assessment Tasks
Student will demonstrate and answer relevant questions regarding the knowledge and skills required to hand last shoes to a competent standard using safe & efficient methods.
Student will submit for assessment a minimum of 2 pairs of shoes. Shoes are to be produced to a required industry standard. The work related to assemble shoes by hand will also be assessed in the finished shoes presented for assessment.
Assessment one Due - Week 8 Submit either the Court, Derby or Sandal for assessment
Assessment two Due - Week 11 Assignment/questions on footwear lasts
Assessment three Due - Week 16 Submit either the Oxford or Sandal for assessment
Assessment Matrix
Course Overview: Access Course Overview