Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2024
Course Code: MKTG6107C
Course Title: Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry
School: 525T Business & Enterprise
Campus: City Campus
Program: C4413 - Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication
Course Contact: Nick Reynolds
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 0791
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Anna Osherov
Nominal Hours: 40
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to research, analyse and apply knowledge of the communications industry. This includes the marketing communications industries.
The unit applies to individuals in entry-level positions who have a general knowledge of the structure, organisation and function of the communications industry. Individuals in this role may have a limited leadership and guidance responsibility to others.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
BSBMKG439 Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry |
Element: |
1. Research and analyse communications information |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Identify and access sources of information on the communications industry 1.2 Research identified sources of information and document outcomes 1.3 Analyse the communications industry sectors, associations, networks and societal role and key stakeholders 1.4 Analyse technological developments, trends and issues of the for communication industry |
Element: |
2. Develop communications deliverables |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Identify resources and task requirements for developing deliverables, with relevant personnel 2.2 Use research to prepare deliverable according to organisational policies and procedures 2.3 Organise information included in the communications 2.4 Establish criteria for assessing deliverable 2.5 Share deliverable to relevant personnel |
Element: |
3. Finalise communications deliverables |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Seek feedback on deliverable from relevant personnel 3.2 Incorporate feedback to deliverable 3.3 Implement procedures for ongoing monitoring of the communications industry 3.4 Update information in the deliverable, as required |
Learning Outcomes
This course is structured to provide students with the optimum learning experience in order to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop knowledge of the marketing communications industry, identify industry employment obligations and opportunities, identify future trends within the marketing communications industry and update industry knowledge.
Details of Learning Activities
This course is co-delivered with EMPL5991C Apply communication strategies in the workplace
This course is structured to provide you with the optimum learning experience. A range of learning activities are provided during the semester and are designed to enhance learning and understanding of the topics.
You will be required to participate in a combination of group and individual learning activities. These activities will be provided through classroom work time and additional learning activities will be provided for you to complete outside of the scheduled class time.
A range of in-class activities, case studies and independent research are included as the learning activities for this course. We expect you to participate and contribute to all scheduled learning activities.
The learning activities will also include group discussions, group problem-solving activities and opportunities to practice your skills in a simulated workplace environment.
Teaching Schedule
Course Schedule: Semester 1: 2024 | |||
Week |
Week beginning |
Topic / Activities (Including any pre-reading, research and resources required) |
Assessment |
Week 1 |
12th February |
Introduction to the course and assessment tasks |
AT1 |
Week 2 |
19th February |
Legislative requirements relevant to workplace communication |
AT1 |
Week 3 |
26th February |
Organisational requirements relevant to workplace communication |
AT1 |
Week 4 |
4th March |
Communication methods and challenges |
AT1 |
Week 5 |
11th March |
Research and analyse communications information (a) |
Week 6 |
18th March |
Research and analyse communications information (a)
Week 7 |
25th March |
Assessment 1 - In class Quiz |
In-Class Assessment 1 |
Mid-Semester Break - 29 March to 5 April | |||
Week 8
8th April |
Develop communications deliverables |
AT2 - Q7-8 |
Week 9
15th April
Finalise communication deliverable |
AT2 - Q9-11 |
Week 10 |
22nd April |
Apply Communications strategies to the workplace |
Week 11 |
29th April |
Facilitate workplace communication |
AT3 - Q5
Week 12 |
6th May |
Monitor and support team communication |
AT3 - Q7-13 AT2 DUE |
Week 13 |
13th May |
AT3 Workshop - Revision |
Week 14 |
20th May |
AT3 - Team Meeting |
Week 15 |
27th May |
AT3 - WIP Meeting |
Week 16 |
3rd June |
Re-submissions and resit |
Week 17 |
10th June |
Re-submissions and resit |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
All resources will be available in Canvas.
Overview of Assessment
Assessment Methods
Assessment methods have been designed to measure achievement of the requirements in a flexible manner over a range of assessment tasks, for example:
- direct questioning combined with review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate
- review of final printed documents
- demonstration of techniques
- observation of presentations
- oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of software applications
You are advised that you are likely to be asked to personally demonstrate your assessment work to your teacher to ensure that the relevant competency standards are being met.
In order to achieve competency in this unit, you must provide:
Performance Evidence
The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:
- research and report on the communications industry.
In the course of the above, the candidate must:
- scope the impact of new and alternative communication technology on the communications industry
- research and report on the current issues affecting the communications industry.
Knowledge Evidence
The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:
- current issues and trends which affect the communications industry
- employment obligations and opportunities of the communications industry
- industry structures and networks
- organisational and client operating environments, structures, and business and marketing plans
- current digital communications technologies, platforms and devices
- principles and practices of communications and media strategies
- trends including impact of technologies on the industry.
Feedback will be provided throughout the semester in class and/or online discussions. You are encouraged to ask and answer questions during class time and online sessions so that you can obtain feedback on your understanding of the concepts and issues being discussed. Finally, you can email or arrange an appointment with your teacher to gain more feedback on your progress.
You should take note of all feedback received and use this information to improve your learning outcomes and final performance in the course.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment 1 Quiz
Summary and purpose of assessment
This assessment task is one of three assessment tasks that you must successfully complete to be deemed ‘competent’ in this cluster of units.
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge about the communications industry and workplace communication strategies through a series of questions that require short-answer responses.
Assessment instructions
You are required to answer 11 short answer questions. Suggested word lengths are provided.
This is an open-book assessment. You may use your learning materials and workplace documents to help you complete this task.
To prepare for this task you are required to:
• read the task instructions including how to submit your assessment and clarify any concerns with your assessor
• access any learner content you may need to refer to during the assessment given that this is an open-book assessment
This assessment will be completed in class.
All 11 questions must be answered correctly for you to be assessed as satisfactory of this assessment task.
Assessment 2
You are required to research the marketing communications industry, analyse industry sectors, associations, networks and
societal roles, key stakeholders, and prepare a report on their findings. The findings are to include a discussion on the issues
and impact of new and alternative communication technology on the communications industry. You are also required to
prepare a basic marketing communications piece consistent with an industry guideline, source feedback, and make required
You are required to undertake ‘desk research' on the marketing communications industry and prepare a report on your
Assessment 3
provided to you. To complete this task, you are to assume the role of a marketing communications specialist
/ Account Manager within a communications agency environment.
Based on a client marketing requirement ‘Brief’ provided, you are to allocate workplace tasks to colleagues,
monitor their activities, report on the final outcomes of the work, including feedback from team members.
RMIT Classification: Trusted
A workbook with templates has been provided which contains all the Appendices referred to in this
assessment task. The workbook will be provided for you on Canvas.
This assessment consists of four (4) parts:
Part 1 – Identify and allocate work activities
Part 2 – Prepare and conduct a team meeting
Part 3 –Monitor tasks and report on progress
Part 4 – Seek and report on feedback from team members
All parts of this assessment task are to be completed based on the details in the Client Marketing
Requirements ‘Brief’ provided. (see Appendix 1 in your workbook).
Assessment Matrix
The assessment matrix that maps all the assessments is available on CANVAS.
Other Information
Submission Requirements
You should:
- Ensure that you submit assessments on or before the due date.
- Always retain a copy of your assessment tasks. (hard copy and soft copy)
- When you submit work for assessment at RMIT University you need to use the Assessment task document that includes a declaration and statement of authorship.
- Each page of your assessment should include a footer with your name, student number, the title of the assessment, unit code and title and page numbers.
Late Submission Procedures
You are required to submit assessment items and/or ensure performance-based assessment is completed by the due dates.
If you are prevented from submitting an assessment item on time, by circumstances outside your control, you may apply in advance to your teacher for an extension to the due date of up to five days.
More Information:
Where an extension of greater than five days is needed, you must apply for Special Consideration. Applications for special consideration must be submitted no later than two working days after the assessment task deadline or scheduled examination.
More Information:
If you are found to be unsuccessful in a particular Course Assessment Task (or you do not submit/attend) you will be allowed one resubmission. Your teacher will provide feedback regarding what you need to do to improve and will set a new deadline for the resubmission.
If you are still not meeting the assessment requirements you must apply to your Program Manager in writing outlining the steps you will take to demonstrate competence in your course. Your submission will be considered by the Program Team and you will be advised of the outcome as soon as possible.
Grading & re-submissions
Successful re-submissions will contribute a CA only (Competency Achieved) result to your overall grade for the course.
Adjustments to Assessment
In certain circumstances, students may be eligible for an assessment adjustment. For more information about the circumstances under which the assessment arrangements might be granted please access the following website:
Marking Guide (Competency):
You must demonstrate that you have all the required skills/knowledge/elements in the unit of competency you are studying.
You will receive feedback on each assessment task that will inform you about your progress and how well you are performing.
Final outcomes table:
CA Competency Achieved – Not Graded
NYC Not Yet Competent
DNS Did Not Submit for assessment
Further information regarding the application of the grading criteria will be provided by your teacher.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview