Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2024

Course Code: PERF5101C

Course Title: Provide freelance services

Important Information:

Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities. 

To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption. 

Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:

Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance: 


Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance. 

School: 515T Creative Industries

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5410 - Diploma of Music (Sound Production)

Course Contact: Rebekha Naim

Course Contact Phone: 61399254849

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Teacher: Elena Popa


Nominal Hours: 40

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work as an independent operator within the creative arts industry.


It applies to individuals who use a high level of self-motivation and discipline, and an entrepreneurial attitude when pursuing work opportunities. They are engaged for specific projects and are responsible for promoting themselves to potential clients, negotiating their own contracts and managing their business affairs.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

CUAIND412 Provide freelance services


1. Promote self to potential clients

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Establish, follow up and regularly maintain industry contacts

1.2 Participate in and maintain required industry, employer and other networks

1.3 Identify and implement strategies for enhancing a professional reputation

1.4 Produce material about services provided and promote across different media outlets and social media platforms


2. Negotiate work arrangements

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Establish clear project outcomes with client and agree on fees, schedules and expenses

2.2 Confirm contracts or agreements contain payment terms and conditions that provide a viable cash flow

2.3 Confirm contracts or agreements include obligations of all parties and include a process for varying terms and conditions

2.4 Seek specialist advice for reviewing contracts or agreements before signing, as required

2.5 Store signed contracts or agreements securely for future reference

2.6 Adapt to client work demands without compromising ethics or reputation

2.7 Negotiate contract or agreement variations as required


3. Manage financial and business aspects of service

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Set up and use systems for managing budgets, finance, taxation and project documents, seeking expert advice and support as required

3.2 Set a realistic fee structure for services provided

3.3 Prepare a business plan outlining viable work schedule and cash flow

3.4 Send invoices in line with payment terms and conditions and promptly follow up any non-payments

3.5 Keep accurate and up-to-date financial accounts and records

3.6 Submit all taxation documents according to taxation requirements

3.7 Comply with business regulations, taxation and insurance requirements


4. Undertake strategic planning

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Implement strategies to identify work opportunities and risks

4.2 Identify and act on opportunities for expanding the client base, either alone or in partnership with others

4.3 Improve work performance and practices using constructive feedback from clients and other required personnel

4.4 Identify opportunities for ongoing professional development and to maintain skills and knowledge with industry developments

4.5 Regularly review and set realistic work objectives measured against quality of life, artistic and commercial goals

4.6 Identify risk factors and develop prevention strategies when planning work activities

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course you will have developed and applied the skills and knowledge required to:

    • participate in industry networks and develop a dynamic list of industry contacts
    • prepare resume and self-promotional materials and circulate using a variety of media outlets and platforms
    • prepare a business plan that identifies a fee structure and work schedule to maintain a viable cash flow
    • negotiate service contracts or agreements
    • develop and maintain an effective financial and document records system
    • develop and revise a strategic plan that identifies business opportunities and risks
    • seek constructive feedback to identify professional development needs and opportunities
    • review work objectives measured against quality of life, artistic and commercial goals.

Details of Learning Activities

In class activities will include a range of teacher directed group activities, projects, class exercises, review discussions/lectures and independent project based work.

Out-of-class activities include completion of individual design and pre-production work, preparation for class presentations and production work. Online research and occasional outside of class time group discussions will be required to maintain project work.

Teaching Schedule

Week Semester 1Topic /Learning activities Assessment Week Semester 2Topic Assessment 

Week 1

Introduction to the course and Assessment

Discuss the Performance and Knowledge evidence to meet Competency in this course

Look at Assessment 1, 2 and 3


Week 2

General knowledge development 

Areas of Specialisation 

Identify freelance work opportunities 

S.W.O.T analysis

Skill development and maintaining industry relevance 


Week 3

Promote self to potential clients

Introduction to websites

Discuss web builders

Look at websites for design 

Discuss what will be the required content for the Website assessment

Discuss social media integration

How best to collect it and present portfolio information


Week 4

Look at setting up social media profiles

Work in class on Website development


- what makes a good resume

- how to format a resume

- styles of resumes

RMIT's Careers Support Services


Managing your own business - government requirements and considerations 

Guest Lecture: Simon Moro

How to grow a sustainable and profitable business in music production

How to assess your skills, and determine your value

How to price your services


How to build your client base

Planning for a sustainable career in the music industry

Analysis of personal goals and skills 


Week 5


Introduction to contracts and agreements 



Week 6

Developing your business plan 

Overview of the business plan model 

The business plan is a working document and will contain all of the details that you need to complete Assessment 2


Week 7

Overview of the business plan model 

The business plan is a working document and will contain all of the details that you need to complete Assessment 2


Week 8

Outlining your business idea 

Other providers and competition 


Week 9

Analysis of personal goals and skills and creation of business plan. 

Describe your business idea

Research and define staffing requirements. 

Assessment 1 due

Week 10

Business structures and considerations 

The future of the business and finances

Introduction to the Australian Legal System 


Week 11

Research and outline market potential and pricing. 

Analysis and outline of technologies and software required. 

Defining methods of communication with customers. 

Analyse the impact of your business on the community. 

Research and define differences between Sole Traders, Partnerships, Companies and Joint Ventures: The standard types of business structures that are common in the entertainment industry. 

Discuss and refine your value proposition or customer experience. 

Analyse and define S.M.A.R.T. goals. 

Research and define fees and fee structures pertaining to your idea. 

Research potential investment opportunities. 

Define your expected costs 


Week 12

Research and define the demographic of your target customers. 

Research and list marketing channels. 

Define strategies around customer retention. 

Research and define players / competitors in your chosen space. 

Define advertising and promotion strategies. 



Week 13

Work on Assessment 2



Week 14 

 Work on Assessment 2


Week 15

Work on Assessment 2

Review and evaluation

Assessment 2 due






Week 1

Assessment 3 - Client Project

Client Quote

Client Contract


Project Timeline

Client Sign Off


- How to format an invoice

- show invoice template


Class time to work on assessments 



Week 2

Assessment 3 - Client Project

Client Quote

Client Contract


Project Timeline

Client Sign Off


- How to format an invoice

- show invoice template


Class time to work on assessments 


Week 3

Assessment 3 - Client Project

Client Quote

Client Contract


Project Timeline

Client Sign Off


- How to format an invoice

- show invoice template


Class time to work on assessments 


Week 4

Assessment 3 - Client Project

Client Quote

Client Contract


Project Timeline

Client Sign Off


- How to format an invoice

- show invoice template


Class time to work on assessments 


Week 5

Students to work on Assessment 3  
Week 6


Students to work on Assessment 3
Week 7


Students to work on Assessment 3
Week 8   Assessment 3 due

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

You are advised to look at myRMIT for ongoing updated information.

It is recommended that you bring materials to classes to make notes, for example;

a pen and notepaper or a laptop computer. You will need to have either a USB thumb drive or a USB/Thunderbolt Harddrive (or both) to store and manage your media. Your teacher will advise you what to get when classes commence.

The University Library has extensive resources. The Library has produced a number of subject guides that includes quality online and print resources for your studies. is available via your Library login.

The Library provides guides and subject specialist help via your Liaison Librarians.

Overview of Assessment

Assessment is ongoing throughout the course, and will include written submission and project work

Assessment Tasks

To demonstrate competency in this course you will need to complete the following assessment tasks to a satisfactory standard. You will receive feedback on all assessments and once you have demonstrated competency you will also receive a result after your final assessment task.


Assessment Tasks

Semester 1

Assessment Task 1: Professional goals and profile development. Due by Week 9, Semester 1.

Assessment Task 2: Business plan and resume Due by Week 15, Semester 1.


Semester 2

Assessment Task 3: Client project: Negotiate work arrangements. Due by Week 8, Semester 2.


You should refer to the assessment brief which is available on myRMIT for full assessment criteria.

Results that apply to Ungraded courses that are delivered and assessed in accordance with competency-based assessment are:

CA      Competency Achieved

NYC   Not Yet Competent

DNS   Did Not Submit for Assessment

Assessment Matrix

The assessment matrix demonstrates alignment of assessment tasks with the relevant unit of competency. These matrices are available through Program Administration.

Other Information

Please refer to the RMIT student page for extensive information about study support, assessment, extensions, appeals and a range of other matters:

Cover Sheet for Submissions:

You must complete and sign a submission cover sheet for every piece of submitted work, including online submissions.


Your learning experience will involve class-based teaching, discussion, demonstration and practical exercises

It is strongly advised that you attend all timetabled sessions. This will allow you to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring you the maximum opportunity to complete this course successfully.

Assessment Feedback:

You will receive spoken and written feedback on all your work.  Where relevant, this feedback will also include suggestions on how you can proceed to the next stage of developing your projects.

Student Progress:

Monitoring academic progress is an important enabling and proactive strategy designed to assist you in achieving your learning potential.

Adjustments to Assessment (eg. applying for an extension of time):

If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment satisfactorily by the due date, you can choose to apply for an adjustment to your assessment. RMIT University offers a range of adjustments designed to support you in your studies, including an extension of time to complete the assessment.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism:

RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy.

Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning:

Credit transfer is the recognition of previously completed formal learning (an officially accredited qualification).

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that allows you to demonstrate competence using the skills you have gained through experience in the workplace, voluntary work, informal or formal training or other life experiences.

Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) RCC applies only if you have previously successfully demonstrated competence in a unit of competency, and now require to be reassessed to ensure that the competence is being maintained.

Please speak to your teacher if you wish to discuss applying for Credit Transfer, RPL, or RCC for the unit(s) of competency addressed in this course.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview