Course Title: Develop graphic designs for branding and identity

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2018

Course Code: GRAP5380C

Course Title: Develop graphic designs for branding and identity

School: 320T Architecture & Urban Design

Campus: Brunswick Campus

Program: C6152 - Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design

Course Contact: Alistair Briggs

Course Contact Phone: +61 9925 9446

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Andrew Phillips

Nominal Hours: 55

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites

None required.

Course Description

In this course you will develop the skills and knowledge required to create graphic designs for branding and identity. You will combine creative and technical design expertise to convey key messages about organisations or brands and their underpinning philosophies.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

CUAGRD607 Develop graphic designs for branding and identity


1 Interpret creative briefs

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Analyse creative briefs in terms of branding or identity objectives

1.2 Evaluate the broader context for the design work

1.3 Develop shared understandings of the scope and nature of branding or identity work with relevant people

1.4 Negotiate and confirm practical considerations, including schedule and budgetary requirements


2 Evaluate potential approaches to branding and identity

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Consider current trends and ideas about branding and identity and their effect on the project

2.2 Analyse the client’s current approach to identity and brand strategy in the context of the work project

2.3 Identify the particular production factors that impact on branding and identity work

2.4 Assess and respond to legal considerations for branding and identity design


3 Generate and assess ideas

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Identify and source references for branding and identity work

3.2 Explore the key questions that underpin branding and identity design

3.3 Experiment with different techniques and media as an integral part of ideas generation

3.4 Generate design ideas that support key client objectives

3.5 Maximise contributions of others through collaboration on ideas as required

3.6 Reflect on ideas for technical, creative and budgetary implications

3.7 Refine and select approaches that best balance the overall needs of the brief


4 Develop designs to support branding and identity

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Develop designs from initial concepts ensuring that all production and design factors are taken into account

4.2 Combine conceptual and technical expertise in creation of design solutions

4.3 Engage in ongoing testing, creative collaboration and refinement during the design process

4.4 Engage with other experts on relevant technical, legal and business requirements


5 Finalise designs

Performance Criteria:

5.1 Negotiate and agree to modifications and amend designs as required

5.2 Develop documentation required for the production process

5.3 Present final designs and documentation to relevant personnel


6 Evaluate design work and process

Performance Criteria:

6.1 Evaluate completed design in terms of its success in meeting branding or identity objectives

6.2 Assess the work against other creative, technical and business considerations

6.3 Analyse and evaluate feedback from client and others

6.4 Reflect on own role in design process and note areas for future improvement

6.5 Develop strategies for further development of own skills

Learning Outcomes

Details of Learning Activities

This course addresses the design process in a holistic way. It will support students to develop skills in areas such as design problem solving, concept development, design research, audience analysis, design production, application of design principles and design delivery. There is an emphasis on projects that simulate real world industry situations and finished graphic design work suitable for inclusion in an industry ready portfolio.

Learning activities will take place in a studio, workshop or classroom using industry standard tools and resources. You will complete exercises and industry style projects. You will also be required to undertake independent study.

In class activities may include:

  • class exercises
  • tutorials
  • practical demonstrations
  • workshops
  • group discussion
  • review and revision
  • peer learning
  • peer teaching and class presentations
  • teacher directed group activities/projects
  • workshopping of student projects including peer/lecturer feedback


Out of class activities may include:


  • independent research
  • independent project based work
  • studio practice
  • online tutorials and activities
  • review and revision

Teaching Schedule

Course title & code: Branding & Identity Brief  CUAGRD602 & CUAGRD607 | This course is a cluster of two units

National Qualification Code: CUA60315

National Code & Unit Title: CUAGRD602 Originate graphic designs for complex briefs & CUAGRD607 Develop graphic designs for branding and identity


2018 SYLLABUS / SEMESTER 1 - Wednesday AM & Thursday AM




Due dates

Performance Criteria

Performance Criteria







Course introduction - Overview and Assessment Requirements. Introduction to brief and accommodation sectors. The importance of robust brand systems for large scale design branding projects.

Assessment Task 1: Hotel Branding



1, 2

1, 2


Concept development - Research and develop logo. Investigate and develop design solutions incorporating consultation and feedback.


1, 2

1, 2, 3


Project development - Technical considerations regarding legibility of brand marks at various sizes, and that it can reproduce successfully across all mediums, colour spaces, resolutions, and print processes.


3, 4

3, 4


Project development - Continue to extend brand vocabulary. Exploration of different media and conceptual approaches. Develop a range of unique elements for application to collateral items.


3, 4

3, 4


Project development - Refine design solutions. Test prototypes.


3, 4, 5

4, 5


Resolve project - Resolving project against checklists. Print items.


3, 4, 5

4, 5, 6


Final presentation - Individual presentations for assessment.

Project 1.0 DUE

3, 4, 5

4, 5, 6





Brief requirements - Overview and Assessment Requirements. Branding a multi-component product. Researching the product category. Defining your target market.

Assessment Task 2: Game Design. Infographics.



1, 2

1, 2


Concept development - Game narrative. Developing a simple story. Establish obstacle and reward scenarios, character identities, game environments and possible game activities.


1, 2

1, 2


Project development - Initial concept presentation and discussion. Use feedback to plan and manage project. Identify technical requirements relevant to approved concepts.


1, 2

1, 2, 3


Project development - Continue to extend product’s brand vocabulary. Exploration of different media and conceptual approaches. Develop a range of unique elements for application to game components.


3, 4

3, 4


Project development - Focus on consistent execution across all project components. Test off screen with hard copies.


3, 4

3, 4


Resolve project - Assess resources required for completion. Trial mockup construction. Resolve project against finished art checklists.


3, 4, 5

4, 5


Production workshop - Printing and construction of final products.


3, 4, 5

4, 5, 6


Final presentation - Individual presentations for assessment.

Project 2.0 DUE

3, 4, 5

4, 5, 6


Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources


Ellen Lupton, 2011, Graphic Design Thinking: Beyond Brainstorming, Prinston Architectural Press

Debbie Millman, 2008, The essential principles of graphic design, Cinncinnati, Ohio : How Books

Timothy Samara, 2007, Design Elements: A graphic Style Manual, Rockport Publishers

Ian Noble, Russell Bestley, 2011, Visual Research: an introduction to research methodologies in graphic design (2nd Edition), AVA Publishing

Overview of Assessment

Assessment is on-going throughout the course. Assessment tasks will require you demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills through practical projects and/or exercises. The assessment tasks are:
Major projects incorporating design and printed outcomes
Research reports or presentations

An assessment charter summarises your responsibilities as an RMIT student as well as those of your teachers.


Assessment Tasks

Tasks in this course are either formative or summative. Feedback throughout the course may be written, verbal or a combination of both.

Formative tasks provide the basis for ongoing feedback and can be considered essential building blocks for the more substantial summative assessment tasks and you should engage in all formative tasks.

This course has two Summative Tasks, all of which must be completed. Each task has an allocated percentage of the total grade. You are required to demonstrate all learning outcomes to a satisfactory standard.

Formative Assessment tasks:

During this course you will undertake a range of formative assessment tasks including:


  • Design constraints exercises
  • Client analysis
  • Audience analysis
  • Explorative drawing exercises
  • Moodboard development
  • Thumbnail and compositional production
  • Creating visual elements
  • Client presentation


Summative Assessment task 1:

Hotel Branding – Tourism identity/branding collateral – Due week 9

Summative Assessment task 2:

Game Design incorporating Infographics - Packaging and design – Due week 16

Grades which apply to courses delivered in accordance with competency-based assessment, but which also use graded assessment

CHD Competent with High Distinction

CDI Competent with Distinction

CC Competent with Credit

CAG Competency Achieved - Graded

NYC Not Yet Competent

DNS Did Not Submit for Assessment

Assessment Matrix

An assessment matrix demonstrating alignment of assessment tasks with the relevant Unit of Competency is available from the course contact person (stated above).

Other Information


The major aspect of your learning experience involves studio based exercises, demonstration and production. It is strongly advised that you attend all sessions in order to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring the maximum opportunity for success.



You will receive verbal and written feedback by teacher on your work. This feedback also includes suggestions on how you can proceed to the next stage of developing your projects. 


Student Progress

Monitoring academic progress is an important enabling and proactive strategy to assist you to achieve your learning potential. Student progress policy



When submitting work for assessment you are required to complete a declaration of authorship. This must be done for every summative assessment task. This statement acknowledges that you are aware of the plagiarism implications. For non-digital submission use the printed form provided. For digital online submission please use e Submission process. Information regarding the eSubmission process


Special Consideration Policy, Late Submission & Extensions

All assessment tasks are required to be completed to a satisfactory level.

If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment by the due date, you will need to apply for an extension. Pick the following link for details on applying for Special consideration

Reasonable adjustment is available and may be applied through the Special Consideration process. Any student seeking an extension, should aim at doing so a minimum of 2 days before the deadline. Work submitted late and without an extension at any point will incur late penalties in accordance with university policy. If you require an extension you must complete an extension form with evidence supporting your application and hand this to your instructor. Further links  Application for extension of time


On Time Submission and Impact of Late Submission

On time submission is an important factor in your assessment. Employability skills are embedded in all courses and these include Planning & Organising and Self-management. For this reason, late work impacts on your overall grade for each assessment task.

The following adjustments for late submission will be made: Work submitted late will be assessed for competency only. Submissions are only permitted during the period that the competency is scheduled.


Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy go to Academic Integrity. Academic Integrity

Credit Transfers and Recognition of Prior Learning
Credit transfer is the recognition of previously completed formal learning (an officially accredited qualification).  Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that allows you to demonstrate competence using the skills you have gained through experience in the workplace, voluntary work, informal or formal training or other life experiences.
Recognition of Current Competency (RCC).
RCC applies only if you have previously demonstrated competence in a unit of competency, and now require to be reassessed to ensure that the competence is being maintained.
Please speak to your teacher if you wish to discuss applying for Credit Transfer, RPL or RCC for the unit(s) of competency addressed in this course.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview