Course Title: Articulate, present and debate ideas
Part B: Course Detail
Teaching Period: Term1 2020
Course Code: COMM7367C
Course Title: Articulate, present and debate ideas
School: 375T Vocational Design and Social Context
Campus: Brunswick Campus
Program: C5382 - Diploma of Product Design
Course Contact: Robin Blood
Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4683
Course Contact Email:
Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff
Nominal Hours: 40
Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.
Pre-requisites and Co-requisites
Course Description
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to articulate, present and debate ideas in a work or broader life context using creative techniques in order to provoke response, reaction and critical discussion.
National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria
National Element Code & Title: |
BSBCRT401 Articulate, present and debate ideas |
Element: |
1. Analyse ideas for communication to others |
Performance Criteria: |
1.1 Distil key themes, messages and positions to aid in clarity of thought and presentation 1.2 Reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people 1.3 Identify the enabling skills and attributes of individuals who can effectively participate in discussions about ideas |
Element: |
2. Provoke response and reaction |
Performance Criteria: |
2.1 Explore and use different techniques to engage, fascinate and involve others in the process of communication and exchange 2.2 Explore the ways that storytelling can be used to communicate ideas 2.3 Create innovative approaches to different communication challenges 2.4 Be prepared to take risks in the way ideas are presented 2.5 Identify specific ways to provoke and encourage response in particular individuals or groups |
Element: |
3. Debate and discuss ideas |
Performance Criteria: |
3.1 Present and argue substantiated positions on ideas 3.2 Be open to critical analysis of own ideas and to the ideas of others 3.3 Identify and participate in conversations that challenge and explore different concepts and approaches and generate new ideas 3.4 Respond to questions about ideas with confidence and relevant information 3.5 Reflect on and appraise the views of others, and use to refine ideas and to embrace new ideas |
Learning Outcomes
This unit applies to individuals who contribute and present ideas that may be complex in nature and may relate to new products, services, processes or creative works using a degree of risk taking and storytelling.
Details of Learning Activities
Presenting, justifying and debating your ideas are an essential part of maintaining your design influence in a project.This course will allow you to build analytical, research and presentation skills around work to help you develop your skills in presenting your ideas. You will be introduced to strategies that you can apply to your design practice.
This course will be delivered face to face and will be part of your mechanical/electrical design class on Thursday morning. There are 2 assessable tasks that you will undertake within the semester. Each task has a brief attached. One of the tasks will be a detailed discussion conducted through canvas on a supplied topic and the other will be linked to one of the projects in the mechanical/electrical course that you will participate in this semester.
Teaching Schedule
C5282 - Diploma of Product Design (national code: 22446VIC) | Semester 1, 2020 | ||
COMM 7367C Articulate, present and debate ideas (national code: BSBCRT401) | |||
Semester 1 Schedule (V1_Dec 2019) | |||
Session Times: Thursday 9.30pm - 12.30pm, Instructor: Robin Blood ( | |||
Week | Date | Topic | Project Deliverables |
1 | 13-February-2020 | ||
2 | 20-February-2020 | Introduction to the course Introduction Assessment tasks Brief for Task 1 |
Assessmnet Task 1: Brief |
3 | 27-February-2020 | Presenting your work | inclass workshop |
4 | 05-March-2020 | Practice Presentations | Assessment task 1: Practice presentations |
5 | 12-March-2020 | Constructive criticism. Defending your work | inclass discussion |
6 | 19-March-2020 | Assessment Task 2: Prepairng discussion topics | Assessmnet task 2: Brief |
7 | 26-March-2020 | Presentation Preparation | inclass workshop |
8 | 02-April-2020 | CANVAS discussion topics are live | Task 2 discussion |
9 | 09-April-2020 | Practice Presentations | Assessment task 1: Practice presentations |
16-April-2020 | Semester Break | ||
10 | 23-April-2020 | Assessment task 2: Inclass debate and discussion session. Rules on criticism, feedback and comments. |
Assessment task 2: Part 1 |
11 | 30-April-2020 | Assessment task 1 presentation to class group and to PDM1 group | Assessment Task 1: Due |
12 | 07-May-2020 | Finalise CANVAS discussion tipics | |
13 | 14-May-2020 | Design Folio review | |
14 | 21-May-2020 | Design Folio review | Assessmnet task 2: Due |
Note: Topics may vary from week to week depending on availability of guest speakers and students requirements |
Learning Resources
Prescribed Texts
Other Resources
Overview of Assessment
Assessment is on-going throughout the course. Assessment will incorporate a range of methods to assess performance and the application of knowledge and skills and will include:
- Practical tasks, a major project
- direct observation including exploration of and experimentation with techniques
- written and/or oral questioning and discussion to assess knowledge and understanding
- completion of a design journal and/or portfolio including personal reflection and feedback
- direct questioning combined with review of portfolios of evidence
The RMIT student charter summarises your responsibilities as a student as well as those of your teachers.
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task 1: Practical Project.
Due: Week 11
Assessment Task 2:
Due: Week 12
Assessment Matrix
Other Information
Teaching schedule may vary according to students and task requirements
Information is correct at time of publishing.
Course Overview: Access Course Overview